PrevenControl, SA (Jan.2016-Feb.2016)
OSH supervision for the client URSSA S.Coop. in the ARENACPHX project at Copenhagen - Denmark.
References: Article in PrevenControl´s corporate blog.

Fundación Laboral de la Construcción - Aragón (sept.2015 - jan.2016)
Collaboration in the project “Seguridad y Salud + cerca de la escuela”, including.
- General design of the campaign.
- Preparation and delivery of presentations.
- Project´s promotion and dissemination on the Internet and social networks.
- To draft an article for the Foundation´s corporate blog.
- To draft the campaign´s final report.

CERpIE - Technical University of Catalonia
Consultancy works for the site “Prevención Integral”, including:
• Articles for the blog;
• Management of the social networks official accounts (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+);
• Testing mobile apps and management software and write review articles;
• Performance reports of the PI&ORP´s Internet infrastructure and make recommendations.

PrevenControl, SA
Consultancy and training works in the field of occupational safety and health;
Contributions to the corporate blog “PrevenBlog”.

British Safety Council
Contributor to the magazine “Safety Management”, of the British Safety Council.

Training course “strategic-professional use of the Internet”
AV Consulting´s own program aimed at individuals, professionals and businesses from diverse sectors, interested in developing a presence on the Internet in a strategic professional approach.
1st edition in Ontinar de Salz - Zaragoza;
2nd edition in Barbastro - Huesca;
3rd edition in Mataró - Barcelona;

EHS (environment, Health and Safety) review report for a thermal-solar power plant